I like no one ever rile,
I like to make the whole world smile.
I like to learn of books and men,
I like the flourish of a pen.
I like the arts-the world attires,
I like the knowledge that man acquires.
I like the sunshine and the breeze,
I like the rustle in the trees.
I like the flower,the bird and the bee,
I like the colours of the world I see.
I like the sun-just sink and lie,
I like the beauty of a gorgeous sky.
I like a joke that's ever so funny,
I like a wit that's o! so canny.
I like to keep my mem'ry clear,
I like to hear a voice that's dear.
I like to think how God has thought,
I like an angel of some sort.
I like all creatures-God hath made,
I like each hill and misty glade.
I like to gaze at a moon that's bright,
I like a jewelled sky at night.
I like the game of life and love,
I like my Maker, who sits above.
I like a woman who says "NO"
I like her better-when she says "NO MORE"!
I like to always take a chance,
I like a flame of a lost romance.
I like to watch the dawn break through,
But most of all-I LOVE YOU!
G B Jirasinha
This poem was written by my father's friend Mr.Jirasinha who is no more.