Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Why “One Up Above The Rest”?

Why “ONE UP above the rest”?
In this world, I’m only a guest.
While living let me do the best,
If it’s so, I’ll be blest.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
1st May 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

milk and honey

i have
what i have
and i am happy
i’ve lost
what i’ve lost
and i’m
still happy

- outlook

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Love's Blind

I know Love's kind,
Sometimes 'tis too kind.
I know Love's blind,
Never thought 'tis so blind.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
13th July 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tears O'Joy and Sorrow

Tears o'joy,
Makes me cry.
Tears o'sorrow,
Makes me cry.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
2nd July 2020

Saturday, June 6, 2020

To Be Cultured Enaugh

To be

Cultured enaugh,
I need’nt be,
Qualified enaugh.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
3rd May 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

What A Coincidence

My father died
On my mother’s
Birth anniversary
What a coincidence.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
3rd May 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What I Expected Not

What I expected not,
I got.
What expected,
I got not.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
27th May 2020

Those Who Want , Will Learn

Those who want to learn,

Will always.

Those who don’t want to,

Will never.

~ M Rezvie Omerdeen

27th May 2020

The Value O’Light

The value o'light

I realized,


Getting out o'darkness.

~ M Rezvie Omerdeen

22nd May 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

What I Seek I Get Not

What I seek I get not,
What I get I do not seek.
Raj Kapoor. Filmfare 2nd October 1964

Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Sounds Impossible

At times what sounds impossible,
Is easier than you think.
Sometimes what sounds possible,
Is harder than you imagine.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
24th May 2020

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Eid-ul-Fitr, for us a festive day.
We celebrate today.
At home we stay
An’ for the whole world we pray.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
24th May 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Crazy Dream

Either young or old,
Has a
Crazy dream.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
20th May 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Caught in a Love-trap

In a love-trap,
I was caught.
While entirely different,
Were my plans
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
20th May 2020

Arundhati Roy

Class writer o’my time.
In writing
To a great height you rose
And had a style o’your own.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
20th May 2020

Oh My Best-Loved Fellow schoolmate

Oh, my best-loved
Fellow schoolmate,
Reminds me
Of the good old days.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
20th May 2020

Wisest men

At times,
Wisest men
Silliest mistakes.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
20th May 2020

If You feel Pleasant

Better you’ll be
In your looks,
If you feel 
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
19th May 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Songs I Write

The songs I write
In the riverbank,
Will get washed out o’sight.
Hurry, recite before it's blank.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
19th May 2020

We Love To Live

Love to live,
When we
Live to love.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
18 th May 2020

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Happiest Time

The happiest time
In the seashore, 
Is memory, unerasable 
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
17th May 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Monday, May 11, 2020

Winding Roads

   I Love a road that twists and turns, a road that winds about-down the vales and up the hillsides, threading in and out... A road that holds some new surprise with every step you stray: a road with unexpected corners all along the way.
   Life's a road of many turnings where it's hard to guess-what is waiting round the corner, pain or happiness-frowning mountains dark with cloud or valleys of delight- shadows falling round the path, or sunshine warm and bright.
   Need we fear for what there be waiting round the bend- knowing that the love of God goes with us to the end? And though the twilight deepens as the sunset way we roam- the last turn is the best of all because it takes us home. ~ Patience Strong

Winding Roads

   I Love a road that twists and turns, a road that winds about-down the vales and up the hillsides, threading in and out... A road that holds some new surprise with every step you stray: a road with unexpected corners all along the way.
   Life's a road of many turnings where it's hard to guess-what is waiting round the corner, pain or happiness-frowning mountains dark with cloud or valleys of delight- shadows falling round the path, or sunshine warm and bright.
   Need we fear for what there be waiting round the bend- knowing that the love of God goes with us to the end? And though the twilight deepens as the sunset way we roam- the last turn is the best of all because it takes us home. ~ Patience Strong

Saturday, May 9, 2020

My Birthday

Today, 10th day of lovely May,
Is my birthday.
At home I stay
And for the whole world I pray.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
10th May 2020

An Angel in the Room by Patience Strong

    Dearest mother, dear sweet soul, God beconed you away.You've passed into the Silence, but how near you seem today !
You haunt the shadows of the house; I pass you in the stair. I meet you in the garden, You are here and everywhere.
    Though your home is in heaven now we are far apart. The fragrance of your memory lives on within my heart.
Much do I remember when my childhood I recall.How good you always were to me.
The greatest friend of all.
     I believe that God let's mothers come to hover near-when their children need them, when in danger, doubt or fear-for often when I'm feeling sad, a light breaks in the gloom-and I could swear there is an angel in the room. ~ Patience Strong


Mothers Day and My Birthday

Today’s Sunday,
10th day
Of lovely May
Is “Mother’s Day”
As well as my birthday.
At home I stay
And for the whole world I pray.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
10th May 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lullaby Tunes of Anoushka

Lullaby tunes of
Anoushka Shankar,
Lulls me
To rest.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
7th May 2020

P Susila Amma "The Crooning Queen"

Voice of Susila amma is soft and clear,
Her songs! I'm eager to hear,

Melodies of Susila amma are up to a standard,
As a songstress she's branded.

Interviews of Susila amma is so calm and slow,
When she chants words begin to flow.

Tunes of Susila amma has a fine tone,
It keeps me relaxed when I'm alone.

Humming of Susila amma makes me spell-bound,
I like the tempo in every sound.

Sad hits of Susila amma is heart-rending,
The liking to'ards her songs is never-ending.

Lullaby of Susila amma forces babes to sleep,
E'en the meaning goes skin deep.

Rhymes of Susila amma starts to float,
Well versed she's when it comes to musical note.

Live concerts of Susila amma has a strange power,
Each song is like a blossomed flower.

Singing style of Susila amma is her own,
The Crooning Queen who's well known.

-M Rezvie Omerdeen
 Sri Lanka 
 13th October 2014

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Incomplete is My Day

Incomplete is my day,
If I don't listen to
Heartrending Sitar versions
Of Anoushka Shankar.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
6th May 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

So Proud The Sitar Is...

So proud
The Sitar is,
To be in the hands of
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
6th April 2020

Ghazals of Talat Mehmood

Ghazals o’Talat Mehmood,
Keeps me in a blue mood.
Songs an’lyrics are too old
But it’s more precious than gold.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
5th May 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

A Love-song, So Melodious

A love-song,
So melodious.
In my mem’ry,
I’ve retained.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
28th April 2020

Little Happiness and lot O’Sorrow

Little happiness
And a lot o’sorrow.
This’s the state
O’my mingled mind.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
4th April 2020

Dear Evening

Dear evening,
Thanks so much
For bringing
Relaxation of some sort.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
4th May 2020

Splendid My Hometown Matale Is

Splendid, my hometown Matale is,
Sorrounded by Mountains,
Culture, Courtesy
And Civility.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
3rd May 2020

Saturday, May 2, 2020

I’ve to Go With the Flow

Once in a while,
I’ve to go
With the flow.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
2nd May 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Either good or bad.
To get rid of.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
30th April 2020

In the Atmosphere of Democracy

In the atmosphere of democracy,
You have the right
To accept or reject
What I say.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
12th October 2013

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My College Bells

My College bells,
  Still ringing in my ears.
Lot o’things it tells,
   After many long years.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
29th April 2020

All What’s Spoken ....

All what’s Spoken,
Couldn’t be written.
All what’s written,
Could be spoken.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
20th August 2012

Everything is Funny

A girl was crying,
When her grandma was dying.

A sick woman was weeping,
When the entire village was sleeping.

A lazy man was yawning,
When it was almost morning.

A boy was crying for cheese,
When the pacifiers were appealing for peace.

Children were happily shouting,
When the flowers began sprouting.

Beaux were singing,
When the moon started springing.

My friends were joking,
When I told them to give up smoking.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
18th June 2012

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

White Cranes

White cranes,
Under blue sky,
On green branches.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
11th February 2020

In Politics, they say....

“In politics”, they say, “ there’re no permanent friends neither permanent enemies”. May be because there’s no permanent policy.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
1st October 2012

In Politcs

Sunday, April 26, 2020

We Live To Learn

By living to
We learn to
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
27th April 2020

Politeness Becoming A Fading Art

Day by day,
So called politeness,
A fading art.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
2nd April 2017

Unspoken Language

Why learn a language which is unspoken by none.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
26th April 2020

Unspoken Language

Why learn
A language,
Which’s unspoken
By none.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
26th April 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020


When luck
Knocked at my door,
Fast asleep
I would’ve been.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
24th April 2020


Mirror shows always
Our minus points,
So we can
Make adjustments.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
24th April 2020

Words Make Think a Thought

“Words make think a thought.
  Music makes you feel a feeling.
  A song makes you feel a thought.”
~ E.Y. Harburg

Thursday, April 23, 2020

How a Good Man Should be?

Why debate,
How a good man
Should be?
Let me be one.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
21st February 2016

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Mistake I'm Making

The mistake I'm making
O'er and o'er again,
In a crooked road,
I'm trying to walk straight.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
27th February 2019

Innocence and Intelligence

Innocent is he
Who trust others,
Intelligent is he
Who trusts himself.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
7th October 2013

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Solution for a Problem or Problem for a Solution

I prefer a person who finds
Solution for problem
Than a person who has
Problem for solution.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
3rd April 2020

To Write a Poem

To write a poem,
I need pain,
Enough pain,
More than a pen.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
21st April 2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

Fashion Today

Fashion today
Becomes unfashionable,
But it makes
A comeback.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
21st April 2020

Fashion Becomes Unfashionable

So called fashion
Becomes Unfashionable,
But it makes
A comeback.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
21st April 2020

I'm Keen

I'm keen,
When I read a book.
I'm keener,
When I read my Facebook.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
20th April 2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020

POETRY IS.........

Poetry is 
The language in which
Man explores
His own amazement.
~ Christopher Fry

I pray

I pray that everything will become normal by the grace of Allah.

Evening in a Village

The twilight has a strange power,
Brings with it the aroma of evening flower.
Evening,when calm an’pale,
I listen to the chinkings o’the early nightingale.
Birds o’different feather,
Fly to their respective nests together.
Fishing boats returning to’ards the shore,
The beautiful sight I really adore.
Farmers and vendors, homewards bound,
They’ve to reach their homes before the dark’s around.
In the shore ladies assemble to chat’bout men an’matters,
There’s an old man who often flatters.
The evening breeze which blows from the west,
When the cool breeze touches me, I’m in my best.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen 
7th November 2014



Noor Jehan, “ The Singing Queen”

Noor Jehan,the unforgettable name,
The songstress who is still a fame.
In Radio, your songs were relayed,
In my cd player, your songs were often played.
'Anmol Ghadi' songs, you sang well in BBC,
Coz in melodies,you knew abc...
Your acting and your melodious voice,
Makes my heart rejoice.
When it comes to 'Noor Jehan Songs, I'm so crazy,
Frequently your songs I play when I'm too lazy.
I like to mention without any fear,
Ace actress cum songstress, you were of yester-year.
I don't like to compare you with any other,
You're the singing queen and my God-mother.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
Matale, Sri Lanka (17th September 2014)

Human Being and Being Human

Why call myself 
A human being,
If I don’t think of
Being a human?
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen 
18th April 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Lady I Adore

 Gazing at the moon,
 Posing from the balcony,
 Wearing the richest costume 
 And a charming smile.
 Humming like a mermaid,
 In a romantic way,
 Feet tapping rythmically
 For a love-song o’some sort.
 Whom she’s looking for 
 And her notions?
 I’m eager to know,
 Coz she’s
 The Lady I adore.
 ~ M Rezvie Omerdeen (11/02/2007)

Thursday, April 2, 2020

East or West , Home is the Best

  East or west,
  Home is the best.
  Take some rest,
  Don’t call any guest.
  Enjoy your home fest,
  Don’t have an outgoing zest.
  This is our life saving test.
  So be in your nest;
  This is the entire world’s request.
  ~ Author unknown 

Friday, March 20, 2020

We Live in a Mixed-up World

We Live in a mixed-up world. Now a car is the necessity and walking is luxury.
~ Monta Crane in Sunshine Magazine 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Music Acts Like a Majic Key ...

Music acts like a majic key, to which the most tightly closed hearts open.
~ Marie Von Trapp

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Music is Life

Music is life
That’s why 
Our heart
~ Anonymous 

Friday, February 28, 2020

Music Has Been....

Music has been 
My playmate,
My lover
And my crying towel.
~ Buffy Saint-Marie

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Had Good Dreams

Had good dreams, woke now, and to think,and watch the moon.I had a pleasant time with my mind for it was happy.

~ Lousa May Alcott at the age of twelve- entry in her Diary.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Success and Work

The only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.
~ Vidal Sassoon and Donald Kendall

Friday, February 21, 2020

I Don’t forgive people Because....

“I don’t forgive people because I’m weak,
I forgive them because I’m strong enough to know 
People make mistakes.”
~ Marylyn Monroe (1926 - 1962)

I am the Author of My Life

I am the author of my life.
Unfortunately I’m writing in pen
And I can’t erase my mistakes.
~ Author unknown 

Monday, February 17, 2020

A Good Woman is ......

A good woman is like a book-entertaining inspiring and instructive; sometimes a bit wordy, but when properly bound, and decorated irresistible I wish I could afford a library.
~ R H Balsari

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Don’t Judge Everything ...

Don’t judge everything by appearances - the early bird may simply have been up all the night.
~ General Features Corp.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

It is Difficult To...

It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future and impossible to live in the past.
~ Mel Tobias in Taipan, Manila

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Words Can Sometimes....

Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds.
~ Elie Wiesel

Words Can Be Beautiful....

Words can be beautiful.
So can dreams.
So can hopes.
~ F. Clifton White

To Say a Little

To say a little is often to tell more than to say to say a great deal.
~ Thomas Hardly 
Far from the Madding Crowd

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

It’s so sad....

It’s so sad when the person who gave the best memories, ends up being a memory.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen 
4th February 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

One for the Seasaw

This I have never understood:
WE CHOP DOWN trees but chop up wood;
WE DRAW DOWN wrath, we draw up wills,
WE RUN DOWN foes, we run up bills;
WE EAT food up, we down a drink,
WHICH is a little strange, I think.
WE TURN DOWN offers, turn up noses-
Just ONE last thought and then this closes:
WE SHOULD REMEMBER, we poor clowns,
THAT LIFE is full of ups and downs.
~ Richard Armour
The Wall Street Journal
Reader’s Digest October 1994



Life- Kiara Weeks

Saturday, January 25, 2020

What a Life

When I laughed,
Sweetly and merrily,
They danced and sang
With me.
When I wept,
None but my shadow,
To share the sorrow 
With me.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen 
7th May 2012

Happiness and Sorrow

A visitor from faraway,
Who comes to see me
But once in a great while.
A close kinsman,
Who is with me
In the morn, noon and night.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
7th May 2012

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Lone Gazer

She stands there alone
Her eye on the silent sea
Her face that bears a mystic smile
Knows not what future lies in store
Alone and forsaken there she stands
Her feet lie resting on the golden sands
Perhaps a lover safely sunk
Beneath the waters deep and blue
Her eyes look down in painful smile
Yes! he is there whom they slew
Alone and forsaken as before
She is the - the girl of the golden sand.

Friday, January 17, 2020

The Game Quite Fair

I regard the game which is quite fair,
I prize the film "Where Eagles Dare".

I admire the beauty of the twilight,
I adore the stars at night.

I relish music of some sort,
I prefer to pen a good quote.

I weep when things go wrong,
I respect the emotion in an old song.

I recite the lyrics I find,
I value an art of some kind.

I gaze at the folks who sing and dance,
I esteem the sentiments of a good romance.

I always cherish a good friend,
I hope to carry on the goodwill till the end.

I pray for my parents for doing whatever they could,
I regret for not achieving what I should.

I honour my teachers for the best guidance in school,
I feel sorry coz I often played the fool.

I wish to forget and forgive,
I salute the saints who taught me how to live.
~ M Rezvie Omerdeen
    20th November 2013